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You are helping to make the world a better place.

The impact of your support

Plan India has positively impacted the lives of over 750,000 children and their communities till date. Our widespread presence and connection with local communities help us in understanding the ground realities and taught us that helping families and communities become self-sufficient is the best way to secure children’s futures. Supporting a child is a way to maximize your impact by driving programs that are community led in your supported child’s community which creates sustainable change. We know that helping families and communities become self-sufficient is the best way to secure children’s futures. And we couldn’t do this work without your support.

I would like to Support a Child

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Why support?

The Impact


We have successfully transformed the lives of 7,50,520 supported children

2 million

With the aim to advance children’s rights, over 2 million children (within which 1 million were girls and young women) were provided with the necessary help

10 million

By the year 2022, We will have successfully impacted the lives of over 10 million girls and young women

Frequently asked questions

Is my donation tax-exempt?

Yes, all contributions to Plan India are eligible for 50% tax exemption under Section 80(G) of the Income Tax Act.

Please Note: All receipts will be sent to the donors by email within 36 days of making the donation. For any enquiries/support, kindly mail us at or call us at +91-9717999758.

Plan’s active support for child development over a long period of time aims to improve the healthy development of children from before birth, through safe delivery, preschool care and development, primary and secondary education, to an adulthood in which they can be valuable and productive members of their community.

Plan works to overcome the barriers that prevent children from breaking out of the poverty cycle. Its advocacy initiatives are aligned to child rights as laid down by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

By involving children and seeking their views at every stage of program design, implementation and evaluation, Plan ensures that children play an active role in their own growth.

Plan runs various programs to work with children in difficult circumstances. These programs essentially focus on education, health care, nutrition and protection. Donations received goes towards ensuring that these programs deliver lasting impact in the lives of children, especially girls.

Plan India is well-acknowledged as credible, accountable and transparent organization. It meets all the statutory compliances set forth by the Government of India. Our donor funded projects undergo rigorous third party evaluations and have always been commended on the quality of work and efficiency of processes. To assure complete transparency, our donors/stakeholders are free to check our accounts and/or visit programs. Accounts and programs are audited regularly and strict guidelines on finances are maintained as per Plan International global standards at all times.

How much of my money goes towards Plan's development projects?

As a not-for-profit organization that is supported by public funds, Plan India deploys over 80% of the money raised towards program objectives and not more than 20% is earmarked towards administration, marketing and communication. These are well within global and national norms.

Does Plan India get funds from any other source than individuals?

In India we have been working on getting funds from corporates and also various funding institutions.

How does Plan identify the programs and areas to work in?

Projects are supported based on Plan’s identified areas of work and priority needs that align with Plan’s vision and mission through thorough need assessment studies.

The projects are identified based on their innovativeness and capacity to change children’s lives through involvement of the community members as well as the children themselves.