The Supply Chain Management Strengthening (SCMS) Project is also funded by the Global Fund for the prevention, control and elimination of HIV/AIDS and TB in India. The project is supporting two national programs of the Government of India including the National AIDS Control Program (NACP) and National TB Elimination Program (NTEP) thereby contributing to achieving SDG 3 targets.
The aim of the project is to provide specialised technical assistance to National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) and Central TB Division (CTD) to strengthen the supply chain system across the country. It is working to improve the delivery of high-quality Antiretroviral and TB drugs, diagnostics and other commodities for effective implementation of both the programs through an agile, sustainable and responsive supply chain.
Starting in the Year 2018, the project is being implemented across the country with the support of sub-recipient and a private partnership for logistics services to ensure product availability and accessibility till the last mile. It is supporting the uninterrupted supply of drugs and diagnostics to all the service delivery points across the country.
Key Achievements
- 1.4 Million PLHIV received the ARV Drugs
- 80,000 Estimated HIV clients received the testing services
- 259,808 ARV drugs were distributed across the country
- 958,443 HIV Testing kits were distributed across the country
- 8,000 Facilities of NACP provided the supply chain services
- 1.8 Million TB patients received anti-TB drugs
- 1.8 Million Estimated TB clients received the testing services
- 99,222 Anti-TB Drugs were distributed across the country
- 33,641 TB diagnostics were distributed across the country
- 15,608 Facilities of NTEP provided the supply chain services
“Until I attended the training workshop, I thought I had all the essential skills for managing an effective supply chain in my state. This workshop has been an eye opener for understanding various technical aspects that I was unaware of, I am going to take back this learning to my state for improving the existing processes.”
C. Sathyanarayan, SDS Pharmacist, Telangana